
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

  安東尼.布朗以畫中有話的獨有風格,向故事大師Lewis Carroll致敬的插圖版愛麗絲夢遊仙境!

  1865年這本Lewis Carroll以小女孩愛麗絲掉入兔子洞的夢境場景拉開整個荒誕且充滿想像力的冒險故事出版,搭配多元自創的語彙及豐富的人物,為往後的兒童文學提供了想 像素材,讓Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland成為兒童文學經典及許多人心中英國文學不可缺少的書目,此書特別的故事及人物場景,自然也成為許多插畫家挑戰設計的目標。至今仍有許 多人到牛津遊歷,一定會到牛津大學中尋找那個啟發Lewis Carroll靈感的樹洞,以及他在牛津創作此書時的窗台。


  Lewis Carroll's classic story is wonderfully re-imagined by award-winning and internationally bestselling illustrator Anthony Browne, in a special anniversary edition. The story of Alice and her adventures in Wonderland has enthralled generations of children since it was first published in 1865. Lewis Carroll's timeless masterpiece, now 150 years old, is richly visual in its telling and in this beautiful anniversary edition, Anthony Browne's dazzling illustrations are perfectly paired with the surreal quality of Carroll's writing, making this a book to treasure.


本書分類:博客來>青少年/兒童文學> 古典小說

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